The disease called "Poverty"

Poverty is the state of having little or no money/materials needed for survival. According to statistics, close to half of the world's population is still living in poverty.
Many people have now defined poverty as a disease affecting mankind because of the diseases related to poverty such as malnutrition. Poverty in many cases is also the reason for illiteracy and uncivilization. The fact that there are people in this world who are living in poverty is very bad. Worst is that poverty is spreading rapidly amongst many countries in the world.

              Causes of poverty
·        Place of birth: Although, some people have said that “If you were born poor and died poor, it’s your fault.” This is not the reality in many people’s case. Up to 60% of people who were born into poor families and poor communities end up living and dying in poverty. Sometimes the GDP of the country may affect the individual and sometimes, an individual may try and fail in all the opportunities opened to him. If one is born into a community where they are no many areas to succeed in, he/she may never get out of poverty.

·        Laziness: Some people are poor and will remain poor because of laziness. For people like that, they won’t work when it's time to work and so, they end up poor. People in such category also have the habit of blaming their poor situation on government, people, etc.

·        No savings: Another cause of poverty is when one hasn’t cultivated the habit of saving. Now let’s be sincere with each other, it’s sometimes very hard to save especially in difficult situations. Money comes and money goes. But however, that doesn’t mean it isn’t possible to save. People who don’t cultivate the habit of saving will definitely end up poor when their source of income suffers a glitch.

·        Government: This points to the fact that poverty is man-made. Late Nelson Mandela once said, “There should be no such thing as fighting poverty. Poverty is man-made.” Other scholars from different parts of the world have also said that poverty is man-made. Without doubts, except when one’s poverty is as a result of his/her lifestyle, poverty can really be man-made. Struggling for limited resources (money) keeps people working. The government knows this, so even when they earn enough to end poverty, they just won’t. An economic development expert, Jeffrey Sachs, once said that the money needed to end global poverty is $175 billion per year in 20 years. This is clearly nothing compared to the amount of money rich countries like the USA and others make per year.

              How to prevent/end poverty
The ways to end/prevent poverty includes hard-work, togetherness, self-employment, having a job, helping one another, etc.
Concerning hard-work, one must be careful when working hard. Don’t be stupid in hard-work. Remember that just as hard-work pays, it also kills. Try not to engage in something that will have serious effects on your body.
